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مركز مساعدة TechShed
Why do I have to Register?In order to shop online with, you must first register an account. Signing up for a account is very easy. Simply visit our create user account page and fill in the necessary information. Double check your information before registering. Once you create the account, you will be sent a confirmation email.
How do I place the order?Login to your account and browse through our website, adding to your shopping cart the product(s) you wish to purchase. You may also utilize guest checkout. reserves the right to cancel any order due to stock availability or information errors.
كيف أضيف سؤال وجواب جديدين؟لإضافة أسئلة شائعة جديدة ، اتبع الخطوات التالية: 1. انقر فوق زر "إدارة الأسئلة الشائعة" 2. من لوحة التحكم في موقعك ، يمكنك إضافة جميع أسئلتك وإجاباتك وتعديلها وإدارتها 3. يجب إضافة كل سؤال وجواب إلى فئة 4. حفظ ونشر.
هل يمكنني إدراج صورة أو مقطع فيديو أو صورة gif في الأسئلة الشائعة الخاصة بي؟نعم. لإضافة وسائط ، اتبع الخطوات التالية: 1. أدخل إعدادات التطبيق 2. انقر فوق الزر "إدارة الأسئلة الشائعة" 3. حدد السؤال الذي ترغب في إضافة الوسائط إليه 4. عند تعديل إجابتك ، انقر على أيقونة الكاميرا أو الفيديو أو GIF 5. أضف وسائط من مكتبتك.
كيف يمكنني تعديل أو إزالة عنوان "الأسئلة الشائعة"؟يمكنك تعديل العنوان من علامة التبويب "الإعدادات" في التطبيق. إذا كنت لا تريد عرض العنوان ، فما عليك سوى تعطيل العنوان ضمن "المعلومات المراد عرضها".
I cannot make a payment through any of the banks you have listed. What are my options?You may select our online credit card payment option. Alternatively, in the event of an issue with payment, you may email transfer us, however you will have to place order the over the phone by calling our customer service line at 1866 515 1160.
Where can I use my Luxerio Gift Card?Luxerio Gift Cards can only be redeemed at any Luxerio store.
Why should I try Luxerio Pickup?Order online and save on shipping with order pickup at store.
When will my online order be ready for pickup?Items ordered online will be available for pickup same day or next business day.
How will I know when my order is ready for pickup?Notification e-mail will be sent to you when order is ready for pickup, along with instructions on pickup at store.
What do I need to bring to pick up my order?Please bring a valid government issued photo ID in addition to the email with your order number present for order verification.
Can I return a Pickup order?You may return purchases to store within eligible return and exchange policy.
Is the stock listed online correct?Our online stock reflects our local inventory. If you placed an order for an item that is not in stock at our warehouse, please expect a delay until we can either bring in new stock. Items that are out of stock entirely (not available), will need to be ordered from our supplier(s). Due to stock variances, limited quantity available and unforeseeable errors, stock levels may be inaccurate.
When will the order be processed?Please note that financial institutions take up to 1 business day to process your transaction. It will take 1-2 business days to confirm your payment and shipping information. Once confirmed, your order will be shipped within 1 business day if all items are in stock.
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