EnvĆo y devoluciones
Politica de envios
How & When Orders are Shipped & Delivered
Orders are shipped directly to the shipping address you have provided (we cannot ship to PO Boxes at this time). Orders shipped via standard shipping usually within 1-3 business day from the time your order is placed, orders that requires custom manufacturing takes longer depending on the products. Shipment will usually arrive 2-3 business days after the order has shipped for most destinations. Transit time may be longer to remote addresses. Normally, shipment(s) are scheduled to arrive Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm local time. If you are not home to accept your shipment, a shipping notification card with further details will be issued. Shipments will be left at your door or driveway based on the product type. Multiple items may be shipped separately due to size or availability and may arrive at different times. Purchases from Luxerio.com can be shipped to destinations within Canada and most US states; standard shipping rates apply unless specified. Orders / shipments cannot currently be fulfilled to certain remote locations such as Yukon, NWT, and Nunavut. Service to these locations may be added in the future.
Fragile Items
Why Can't Some Items be Shipped? Some items may be fragile and we want to make sure that you receive your purchase in one piece. Some items may contain hazardous materials. Some items are too heavy or too large for parcel shipping. Some items sold in bulk may be too large for parcel shipping. Some clearance items may not be parcel shippable.
Order Tracking
If you choose Parcel Shipping as your shipping method, your order will be delivered by a third-party shipping provider who will offer order tracking services. This service will allow you to monitor your package as it makes its way to its final address.Ā When your order has shipped, you will receive an email shipping confirmation containing a tracking confirmation number.Ā Follow the instructions included in your shipping confirmation email to track your order through the carrierās website.
IN-STORE PICK-UP is FREE! You will receive an email confirmation when all of your items have left our Distribution Centre. You will also receive an SMS notification once your order is ready for pick-up at the store. In-store pick-up orders may take few business days to arrive at the store. The original receipt or e-mail receipt is required at the time of pick-up. Please ensure the vehicle used for the pick-up will accommodate the merchandise in its original packaging. The product warranty applies on merchandise leaving the Luxerio.com store in its original packaging. Luxerio.com is not responsible for any damages caused to the vehicle during the loading of the merchandise. Luxerio.com cannot be held responsible for merchandise that cannot be loaded into your vehicle due to the weight and/or dimensions of the merchandise.
Upon receipt of your order, please ensure that you have received all the items purchased. Your packing slip will be affixed to one of your boxes. It is recommended that you review your packing slip before the delivery personnel leaves and advise them of any discrepancies. Please indicate on your packing slip any occurrence during the delivery and contact us as soon as possible. The transporter will not accept responsibility for any damages which have not been indicated on the packing slip. If you find any damage on your merchandise, keep all contents and their original outer and inner packaging. Please contact us immediately following your delivery to ensure that proper action is taken. Most of our products carry a warranty covering manufacturing defects. The warranty applies only to a household use of our products. The warranty does not cover regular wear and tear, discoloration due to exposure to light, heat, misuse, shrinkage or pilling of materials, or abusive wear. Goods requiring assembly need special care when handling. Inspect all parts and hardware BEFORE assembly. Valid part and/or hardware claims must be made PRIOR to assembly. Damages resulting from assembly errors and/or mishandling of parts, most notably scratches, are not covered by this guarantee.
PolĆtica de devoluciĆ³n y cambio
Soy una secciĆ³n de polĆtica de devoluciĆ³n. Soy un excelente lugar para que sus clientes sepan quĆ© hacer en caso de que hayan cambiado de opiniĆ³n sobre su compra o si no estĆ”n satisfechos con un producto. Tener una polĆtica de reembolso o cambio sencilla es una excelente manera de generar confianza y asegurar a sus clientes que pueden comprar con confianza.
Soy el segundo pĆ”rrafo de su polĆtica de devoluciones y cambios. Haga clic aquĆ para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Es fĆ”cil. Simplemente haga clic en "Editar texto" o haga doble clic en mĆ para agregar detalles sobre su polĆtica y realizar cambios en la fuente. Soy un gran lugar para que cuentes una historia y permitas que tus usuarios sepan un poco mĆ”s sobre ti.